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gotta go to sleep....
02/18/02 ~ 4:43 a.m.

it's 4:43 am. insane. granted, jj and i were at lizzie's house until 3. i couldn't sleep so i am playing on diaryland. i organized (mostly) my diaryrings onto different pages and made it all netscape - compatible so i could join the RENT ring finally! later i will fix up some of the ones that look all gross, but for now i'm pretty happy. check it out! (the links to the other pages are at the bottom).

i also killed some time by checking out the leatherman and mag light set amy gave me for my birthday. it kicks ass, it's seriously the coolest thing. i also got a very nice green vibrator and a penis lollipop. i'm all set.

but i really think that i should sleep so that i can drive home safely tomorrow morning. then i'll sleep all day or something. and then i'll tell you all about my WHOLE weekend! yay!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
