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sorry i'm being slow....
01/08/02 ~ 1:13 a.m.

i know this is dissapointing if you clicked on my page all ready to read a horribly long recount of my past few weeks. sadly, i'm not even close to done typing it up. but i'm still here, and i suspect i'll have time to finish it up tomorrow. jenn is coming over in the evening and i'm gonna teach her nifty html things and we'll probably both update. i'll get back on track soon, i promise. and no worries, my vacation was fabulous and i am missing ned something horrible right now. well....missing him but still happy with life and general and knowing i'll see him in march. i'm pretty independeant, which is a good thing i suppose. anyways, i'm rambling. is is SO past my bedtime that i can't belive i'm up. you'd think i have an essay due tomorrow! ha ha ha. that'll be the truth in a few weeks.

oh... speaking of school and my classes, my lab partner andy not only dropped all of our classes this quarter but told me he is pretty sure he's CHANGING HIS MAJOR. i am not happy with this news. grrrr.

ok, really going to bed. nighty night.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
