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100 things

binary day!
11/10/01 ~ 12:16 p.m.

three day weekend. yay. heather, travers, and i are going to the mall today. i'm gonna browse for christmas presents and stuff. we're not going to the football game, we decided we didn't realy feel like it.

last night brookie and her boyfriend robert came over for pizza, drinks, and a movie. we watched baseketball. it's soooo funny. then we played the game of life. i won! go me, go me. our neighbors, the sophomores, came over and took heather and travers to the store to buy beer for them. then we went and invaded their house and started watching shrek with them but got too tired so then we came home and went to sleep. it was a fun, chill night.

i'm hungry and i am supposed to be hanging my clothes. so i'm gonna go now. toodles.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
