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100 things

wipe that face off your head, bitch.
10/02/01 ~ 2:22 p.m.

name the movie that produced the above quote and i'll give you... [looks around] ok, i'll just tell you how cool you are.

anyways, being the mopey bitch i've been lately, i am producing mopey entries and that is all bad. ALL bad. i realized that if i were to try to pull a witty comment out of that last entry, it would be harder than trying to get alyssa to part with her n'sync cd's. so instead, i am returning with virtually nothing to say and the sole purpose of covering up that stenchy whining.

class number 3 is tonight. i hear it's a beast and i'm somewhat apprehensive... but yet... excited.

see, i really do love my major. i am one of those nerds who really wants to be a programmer and sit in a cubicle for the rest of my life. and this class is the first computer science upper division class, the one that is the prerequisite for all other upper division classes. cool ones, such as graphic design, networking, etc. plus my old pal andy will be there. we're meeting before class so we can sit together and make fun of people.

the premiere of buffy is tonight. it's a 2 hour event. i will not be home for the beginning of it, and we'll see if i watch what i am home for. i think my buffy love is dwindling. not because of the show, but because of other things i have to do. example 1: homework that is due wednesday morning. i need to read a textbook and write a journal entry. gag. example 2: clothes that are clean but still not put away. i should handle that. example 3: sleeping.

i still reserve wednesday nights for dawson's creek though. it's a party baby, and you're invited. if you live in the davis area and want to partake in season 5 wonderfulness, email me.

ok, am i bright and cheery enough for you all now? i know, a ray of fucking sunshine. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
