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friday morning stuff
09/14/01 ~ 8:35 a.m.

i'm at work (like usual) not working (like usual). today i have to go to the financial aid office after work and see what i can get accomplished there. cross your fingers for me.

i spiffed up the cast page this morning too. i added a requested picture, and change some descriptions a little bit. if you leave those things unattended for too long, they get out of date! anyways, i used this picture to get jenn's head:

we had these taken last october, just because we're best friends. cute, huh?

she's coming to see me this weekend. i hope we get some good talking done and begin to heal the wounds i caused. cross your fingers for me (again)!

oh, and a quick thing about that whole nostradamus quote mess-up. then i swear i'll shut up about it. it's everywhere, and i, being the history-ignorent person that i am, thought it was cool. it's actually really funny -- the quote was written by this guy in canada who was writing an essay about nostradamus. the topic of his essay was that nostradamus was a fake, basically, and to illustrate his point, he made up a "prophecy" in the style of nostradamus to show how easy it was. and what he made up was our quote. ha ha. ok, i'm done now.

my boss just got here, the other assistant doesn't work today, so i'm in charge and i better start acting like it! plus i have to show brooke what to do. so yeah. i'm outti 5000. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
