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100 things

01/09/05 ~ 10:11 p.m.

i shouldn't be updating because i should be sleeping.

arising at 6 am to run tomorrow morning. i know, i'm crazy. but i have stuff to do after work!

today in napa with brooke and mariah was fun! i took pictures but they won't be up till later this week.

ok, night!


2003: cameron sent david an email implying that for his birthday (in june) he wants to take him to vegas... for a hooker. hello?? david was like, "i don't think he realizes that we're committed." so he wrote back an email with the following: "As for Las Vegas, I'm not sure what you have in mind, but if it is more involved than the champagne room, then I believe that thistrip is more for the benefit of the unlanded lords in this discussion."
2002: the funny part of the night is that al, who was there without her boyfriend, got asked by this random guy for a new year's kiss and she did it!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
