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100 things

morning headaches
12/02/04 ~ 3:48 p.m.

i woke up this morning with a headache. this happens a lot. see, i dream vividly, all the time. i almost always remember them when i wake up. (and used to write them down, too, but i don't anymore cuz i'm lazy.) so my mind just never really shuts off and rents. argh. i wish there was an OFF switch.

today it's been a very, very slow day at work. plus both bosses aren't here. i finished stamping my christmas cards, and i also finshed the crafty christmas presents i was working on. yay. now i've been playing on the internet for a long while. but i do have a few checks to deposit, so i will get to that in a minute.

tonight is a sex and the city night with sabrina. we're going to watch a few eposides, eat dinner together, and have fun. i hope she doesn't mind my messy kitchen. heh!

alright. i'm going to tie up all the loose ends around my desk. cheers!


three years ago: we ARE going to vegas and i am so, so, SO happy about it.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
