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100 things

the work sitch
11/10/04 ~ 3:19 p.m.

we had another weekly meeting this morning, which resulted in all of us assitanst feeling like shit. i thought it was just me, but then jen called in and was crying. we put her on speaker phone and we all talked about our boss and the situation. we decided to get together to have lunch next week to write down our thoughts, feelings, etc, and then talk to leanne about them. who knows where this is going to go?

so in related news, i made an appointment to meet with najine, the nutritionist, again on friday. i need to know if she's offering me a job, so i can decide if it's worth it to me to stay here. if that's even an option.

seriously, someday, i just want a stable job. and possibly even like what i'm doing. hopefully after i get degree number two, this can be a reality.


one year ago:no entry
two years ago: he came home a night early to surprise me, and left a present for me on our bed -- a new blender, decorated with a blinking star wand. it was SO sweet.
three years ago: when i try on stuff, i'm like, DAMN, holly, did you HAVE to have ice cream last night?

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
