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just another friday at home
08/20/04 ~ 10:14 a.m.

it's my brother chad's* 19th birthday. yay for him!

today i have my second physical therapy session. i've done my exercises and i've really been working on bending my knee. i hope i impress the therapist!

last night's gymnastics was exciting as well! what fun. i'm glad i have the olympics to keep me entertained.

tonight is a poker night. it's been awhile, since before the surgery, of course. it's at our house so i don't have to move around much. since my knee is doing well, i'm sure it will go fine. maybe i'll even win some moola!

no plans for the weekend. i have some ideas of things to do, and i better call some people and get some social contact before i go crazy!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
