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surgery pictures, finally
08/16/04 ~ 10:19 a.m.

doing pretty well over here. i can go a long time in between pain pills and i don't need the ice machine as much. which is good, becuase it has to be returned on wednesday.

my back and arm muscles are super sore from all the crutching i've been doing. i almost collapsed into bed on saturday after going to a BBQ, out to sabrina's birthday dinner, and back to sabrina's house for some games. we were even the first to leave, but i was just completely worn out. i think people were surprised i was even there, though, so i guess i did good.

i'm having fun watching the olympics. good timing, for them to be on when i'm stuck at home. :)

i FINALLY uploaded the pictures i had my mom, bro, and david take last week. here ya go:

this is me, right after i got home from surgery. see, i'm doing good! smiling, even!

this is the ice machine. it's an igloo cooler with a tube coming out the front, that plugs into that blue thing on my knee and fills it with ice water. VERY helpful tool.

this is a couple days after surgery. i spend about 75% of my time in that chair. it was so lucky that we got it, it is so comfy for me right now. i can only imagine how uncomfortable i'd be on the couch.

** not for the faint! ** i put it behind the link to be kind. but here is a picture of the knee, very swollen, with the stitches still in. click here if you're curious.

sometimes, you gust need a little furry love. this is a shot directly forward, as she was sitting on my tummy. she's been a comfort to me, mostly. except for when she jumps on my knee. OW.

end picture show. they're all so old, guess i'll need to take new ones of my knee without stiches and show how it's less swollen, but more bruised. ;P

ok, i've been on the computer too long already. back to bed with me!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
