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100 things

blahdy blah
07/07/04 ~ 3:52 p.m.

not much to chatter about today. had a lazy night and a boring day today.

tonight will be better, as sabrina* has hooked david and i up with free tickets to a play. a comedy. should be fun.

i saw the physical therapist yesterday, who gave me new knee exercises that i cna actually DO, plus strict instructions to ice it every day. grr. i hate ice. but i bought a cold pack and i'm doing it because he warns that they won't operate on a swollen knee. and it tends to swell every day.

i have a few plans for the rest of the week, but if talk about them all now, i won't have anything to write later! so i'm gonna go.

hasta manana,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
