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100 things

a boring entry
08/22/01 ~ 10:24 a.m.

i've decided i figured out why i'm PMSy more than usual. see, this is the first period i'm allowing my body to have for 3 months. (i'm sure everyone wants to hear this!) when your boyfriend is only going to be here for a short amount of time, you want to make sure you can have as much fun as possible. so i used my Pill to work some magic and stuff. but now i'm grumpy. i ate sweets and soda for breakfast, so that should help =)

i haven't heard back from jenny. i hope she's not mad at me. i was just being totally honest and me being near tears is no small feat. i rarely cry.

changing to happier subjects, last night was fun. i *did* end up remembering aiya and vivien, so all was good. we had fresh choice and hung out at the mall. i was kinda bad, i spent some money at hot topic. but i got myself a mini version of my gonzo doll on a keychain! and i got a homer simson air freshener thing for ned. then i went home, signed on and chatted with ned for less that 5 minutes, and then tried to sleep. jasmine, my kitty, was being super affectionate. i hope she gets used to the place soon. i got to sleep at about 10:45, not hearing heather get home. i am super duper tired today. when i go home tonight, it's going to be nice relaxing bath time. then i'll pick up my room a bit, so some laundry, and turn in for the night as early as possible. tomorrow jenny and i are scheduled to work out. i'm going to take advantage of the gym at my complex that has cable! i have no plans for friday, saturday i may be driving 3 hours with a borrowed truck to pick up my other couch and scrapbooking with jenny, and sunday i'm going to a river cats game (baseball) with brooke and her family. well, since i need to get back to work i will, and i'm sure i'll figure out more stuff to say later.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
