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100 things

love me, love me, say that you love me
08/21/01 ~ 11:40 a.m.

my high school is haunting me. the one i went to freshman year, not the livermore one. i have very little memory of mira loma. did i block it out of my mind? i don't know. i look through my yearbook and see all the people i highlighted, denoting i knew them, and i don't remember them.

i remember about 5 people, because i went to elementary school with them. one such person is stephanie. i carpooled with her for years of my life. she's a star wars worshipping, highly religious, goody two shoes chemistry nerd. nobody liked her, starting in about 2nd grade. that's sad. i am a nice person. i can't be mean. therefore, i was nice to her and she considered me one of her friends. she was one of the 4 people from my junior high who went to high school with me. i basically avoided her freshman year and i feel bad about that. (i was best friends with another girl who went to elementary school with me, and we have since lost touch. she started into the whole drug-and-alcohol scene in high school, which i wasn't ready for until college. she hated stephanie, which didn't help the situation.) so anyways, the point of this story is, this summer i contacted stephanie and we got together for dinner once, and she came over once. then she moved to GA for a lot of the summer (everyone is in georgia except me! this is my one I MISS NED time. ok, i'm done) and she called me last night.

she's moving back to school in a little bit and wanted to hang out with me before i go. i feel guilty still that i avoided her and i feel obligated to be friends with her kinda. so she invited me to go miniature golfing with her and 2 people from mira loma that i don't really remember that remember me. this happens a lot, i guess. i recognize their names though. so i'm going. but i feel bad cuz i am sorta skipping out on jenny because i'm pretty sure we were going to work out together tonight. i am a very reliable person and i rarely bail out on any plans and i feel really bad. i hope she understands that long lost people who are leaving town soon are hard to see.

so this has a funny tie in. i was catching up on alyssa's diary, and she's one of those freshman i vaguely remember. she mentioned a guy named brandon and had a link to his page. i went there and i remembered him!!! he used to make the coolest curly question marks. and then his page had some of his friends listed and a guy named ryan was on there that i will never forget because he had this crazy theory about upright walking cows (a la gary larson) taking over the world. he would randomly write MOO on chalkboards before class started and teachers would be confused. he also looked like bob saget. he was cool. so basically, my memory is coming back to me. i'll probably remember the two girls when i see them and talk to them tonight. ok, changing subject.


my cat moved in with me last night. she is super freaked out still. heather just called me cuz she couldn't find her. she was hiding in my closet. i hope she calms down soon.

i got a couple google hits! "make it up ben kweller" (jeffy got a higher rating than i on that search though) and "strumphs smurfs". i don't get hits like "crazy sex all night long with huge sluts" or anything. what a shame. guess i should write about that sort of stuff more often.

i want more people to love me. (wonder why i'm in the "please like me" ring? yeah.) currently there are 23 people listing me as a favorite. there are 2 new people on the list that i must investigate. but more people must love me. i want to be lisse famous. i want to be bobby famous. (yeah, right). i guess i'm just almost famous.

ha ha. i'm so punny.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
