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100 things

should i stay or should i go now?
07/11/01 ~ 7:45 a.m.

so it's early. i got to work at 6:45 am so i can get some work in before i get my hair fixed. as you can see, i'm working hard.

i talked to ned for about 1 1/2 hours last night. it was good talk. we're actually good friends... which is a lot more than a lot of sex buddies i know. wait, i don't know any. we talked about movies, my new computer, my new apartment, 4th of july, brooke and justin, etc. then we try to discuss his visit. now... he still wants to come. but the housing office at his school is being stupid. if he leaves, he has to move all of his stuff out of the place he's living in now to a temporary storage. then he has to move all his stuff back in when he gets back. he may be able to do this, as his sister lives in GA and has storage... but she hasn't called him back.

if he *stayed* there, he's just have to move from one apartment to the other on the 13th. and if he does that, i get to fly out there for 2 weeks. which isn't too much of a problem besides the fact that i will have just moved in my apartment and i am paying $910 for the first month's rent. and then not staying there. but i will do what i have to do to see him. cuz i miss him SO much.

well, i think i will work now, and i'll let you all know how my hair turns out.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
