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100 things

ramble, blah, ramble
07/03/01 ~ 9:13 a.m.

i'm wearing all black today and an older woman in my office told me that "women her age don't wear all black because they've seen too many people die" or something. i was like, "but it makes me look thinner!"

i don't want to work at all today. i get off at 3 pm to go to RENT... but that's not early enough!

my boss brought us in 4th of july cupcakes and they had plastic rings on top with flags on them. i am proudly sporting mine.

it's fucking hot. yesterday it was 106 degrees! but today it's kinda gross and muggy. hey, didn't i leave georgia???

i had success with Nair (tm) yesterday. it never worked when i tried it like 5 years ago. it does now. no painful waxing for me! but smooth is nice. 'nuff said.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
