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wow, i'm actually working today
06/29/01 ~ 11:41 a.m.

it's 11:41, i'm off in 19 minutes, and i just got the chance to read my daily diaries and post a small blurb of my own. this weekend will be kinda busy... i'm working at the pool a lot, playing softball, and brooke's birthday is on sunday so i'm spending that day with her. justin and i are going in on a camera for her. she always buys the disposible ones! which is *such* a waste of money.

jenny is coming to the softball game and hanging out with me tonight! =)

carly and i finally talked for the first time in weeks yesterday. she quit the pool-- by saying "this is bullshit" and walking out. i think i made her feel bad about not hanging out with me cuz of the new boyfriend. she could only come back at me with, "well you have a new best friend" (referring to brooke). not like that hurts. whatever. so yeah, i'm still a little irratated with her and i'm sure i will be until she starts making an effort to act like a best friend again. i also had a dream to add to nowayout, but i know i won't have time. damn. by the time i try to type it, i won't remember it. it's already fading. there was snow skiing in my bathing suit, lots of illicit scenes with me and ned but i remember being concerned about shaving down there (funny how i've had that in dreams twice now!), and some people swimming with bikes. yeah. that's about all i remember now anyways.

so, on that note, i'm out. peace. =P


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
