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100 things

work, bleh
05/17/04 ~ 1:32 p.m.

it's monday. i'm not happy to be at work. i feel bad lying to the boss about the surgery and i am not motivated to work harder than the average bear because i know i wil get shafted on the next bonus because i'll be out for 7 weeks. i hate that i've begun to feel that dreading work feeling. it's not as bad as at z-firm or the county job, but it's sure as hell not excitement to come work!

i also haven't been sleeping as well as i'd like. which is weird, cuz i've been working out and being active, so you'd think i'd sleep more. i did 2 physical therapy workouts with the trainer last week, a workout on my own on saturday, and went on a decent hike with sabrina* yesterday. my legs are even a bit sore today. but my stupid mind is so busy dreaming that i just don't get a ton of quality rest, i guess.

it's back to the gym tonight, too. i am supposed to do my physical therapy exercises 3 times a week from now until the surgery. it's a pretty intense lower body workout, with cardio thrown in. so it's cool that it's making me workout a little more regularly.

tomorrow i have plans with amber* to do dinner. i am stoked - i haven't seen her in a few months, i think! we've both been busy enough that we haven't called each other in our free time. it will be good to catch up.

alright. i have some things to do before the boss gets back from lunch. hasta.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
