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saturday rambling
05/15/04 ~ 12:57 p.m.

after talking to my boss (who was a hosptial technician for 20 years before becoming a broker), i am convinced that the way we were doing the fast wasn't healthy. if i ever do one again, i'll try one of the juice ones or something.

and it's good for david, not just because they were making fun of him, but because he's expected to do some schmoozing - lunches, etc, with the head honchos, and he just doesn't feel right about being on a fast and refusing the company paid lunches. he's got a lot to prove right now. he's the youngest employee in the WHOLE OFFICE, and he's the one in charge. the girl who didn't get the job is already being difficult and refusing to report to him and accusing him of playing favorites. he's got to prove that he can handle her and the other 11 employees he's directly responsible for. he can do it - he just needs his full brain power and attention, and he was distracted by hunger and cravings on the fast. so it's a good thing.

just got back from the grocery store. i stocked up on stuff to follow the south beach eating plan. the first two weeks is without carbs - but after that they get added back in. it's got a structure i like. we'll see if this is something i feel comfortable doing. but that's enough of that talk in here. if you want to know more details about my eating you can always read this diary.

on the weekends, i always have this desire to get the house picked up and get organized for the rest of the week. cuz we never want to do anything remotely chore-realted after working all day. but here's my problem. i don't want to do it all myself. david should pitch in - he lives here and it's half his mess. but he has this huge (i mean HUGE) problem with having a list of chores to do. he's ok with doing one or two things, but not the dishes, laundry AND the bathroom. BUT he doesn't do any of those things during the week, either. it's gotta be one or the other. but i don't want to be this nagging girlfriend who makes her boyfriend clean. but i'm also a selfish bitch who is lazy and doesn't want to do all the dishes myself. AND if i do them all, then he feels guilty and tells me not to do them by myself. so there they sit, while david plays hours of video games and i try to entertain myself. bleh. we've got to figure out a system, but if i try to propose one, he tends to get grouchy because he feels a 'nag' coming on. i just can't win.

thus ends my ranting session. i'm going to poke around online for a little bit, then i'm going to do some chores by myself. he promised that in 1/2 hour, we could go to the YMCA together. so i guess i'll just wait until then!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
