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i look cute today!
04/26/04 ~ 2:24 p.m.

so it's monday and a busy day at work. since it's busy, they day has been flying by. i am very happy to be at work instead of at home, and i am very happy that i have saturdays off now! =) in fact, this next saturday mariah* is having a party, and it'll be great to have the day totally free for that.

brooke* and i did some quality shopping yesterday. we met in napa, which is approximately halfway between our houses, and hit up target, applebees (lunch!), ross, payless shoes and the outlet mall. hence my super cute outfit today: a sleeveless dress with a brown/cream/light blue abstract floral pattern and a funky ruffle at the bottom, and brown sandal-ly shoes with a cute little flower that pops of the side and wooden beads. hard to describe. i'm actually semi-sad i'm not at home right now so i could take pictures of them to show off. i think i'll take a picture when i get home. :)

this week i will be finding out some more information about my impending knee surgery. i meet with the physical therapist tomorrow, and i re-meet with the orthopedic doctor/surgeon on friday. i guess after that, i'll have to let my boss know about it. i am quite a bit freaked about that, because she's very big on the "bottom line" and how if we help her be more profitable, we make more money and all this. however, there have already been a couple instances where i've been freaked about how she will respond and it's gone smoothly (the notary thing, getting saturdays off...etc) so maybe this will as well? i can only hope.

well, i keep getting pulled away from typing this by work issues to handle, so i guess i better go and do my job, eh? cheers,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
