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my day of disagreements
06/14/01 ~ 8:00 a.m.

i told a few of you my lunch story, but not all of you. so here goes! (here goes... are we packed? yes, and by next week... ok, no more RENT in this entry)

so, brooke and i went to wendy's for lunch. i tried the new taco salad. the white shirt i was wearing and the taco salad had a few major disagreements. i was covered in taco sauce. i made brooke come with me to target to get a new shirt. i was like, "you can never have too many white shirts" so i grabbed a plain v-neck one, bought it and headed back to the office. i changed. now, the white shirt i was previously wearing was a thick one. the grey bra i was wearing was no problem. however, the new THIN shirt and the grey bra were at odds with each other. i felt like a skank. so then brooke lent me a sweater to drape over my shoulders. then i felt like a 30 year old country club person. let me tell you, i can't pull off this look. brooke can. i can't. i felt like a dork. like superman with a sweater cape! yesterday at work couldn't have gotten over quick enough for me.

so then i worked at the pool till 9. then i got to work today at 7 am. and i work until 9. i am about ready to crash. i'm TOTALLY taking a nap tomorrow afternoon after work and before lessons so that i can enjoy myself at the prom party.


p.s. justin--- when do *i* get indian food??? you went without me! bah on you!

p.p.s. i lied about no more RENT. jenny, mike, brooke, justin, sarah (a cool chika from my office) and i are going again on july 3rd. cheap seats! we'll bring binoculars. we're all going in honor of sarah, who has never gone but owns the cd. and has always wanted to go. "To dogs! No, [sarah] -- To you!"

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
