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100 things

do-it-yourself frame of mind
04/20/04 ~ 3:00 p.m.

so, after my two posts yesterday, a kind stranger dropped me a note to let me know that i could file myself, and then i'd only have to pay the filing fees! can you believe this never crossed my mind? it's one of those things that you get so wrapped up in that you can't see clearly. i just assumed i'd need an attorney to make it happen.

so on my lunch break, i went to the library and i got two books: "how to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy" and "bankruptcy: is it the right solution to your debt problems?" they're both by a company called "nolo:law for all".

i started browsing the books, and i know i can do it myself. i am a little worried about having too much dispensable income due to the fact that i pay two personal loans each month. we'll see how my life looks on the forms.

i'm feeling a little overwhelmed coming back to work and trying to turn my mind back to work-related tasks. if i had my way, i'd be reading the books cover to cover right now, so i could figure out my next step. but i will take them in to the gym this evening and read them while i work out.

why is there such a huge stigma attached to claiming bankruptcy? why do i feel like i'm a bad person?

i'm not, really. basically, i made some bad choices because i felt like i should be able to go a good college. my parents didn't help me, i got no scholarships or financial aid (just loans), and i was determined. so i went. i worked part time to pay rent. i bought groceries on credit cards. i fixed my car when it broke down on credit cards. and, like a dumbass, i followed my dream of going to france. i shouldn't have done that. but i did.

i haven't charged a penny in almost 2 years. i paid the minimum balances on those cards until i couldn't anymore. and now i might make too much money to get a fresh start.

anyways. enough explination. what's done is done, and i'm trying to fix it. that's all.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
