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100 things

movies that make you think
03/29/04 ~ 5:08 p.m.

i decided to see eternal sunshine of the spotless mind because of sue's raving review, and all of the other good reviews that followed from various people. and i have to say, i loved it.

i think i'm still absorbing it, an hour later.

it was so weird, and fucked up, and hard to follow but not hard, it just jumps around like crazy. and it's all so deep and meaningful and.. wow.

jim carrey can act without being funny. kate winslet is more than just titanic. and i still love kirsten dunst, no matter what she's in.

go see it. now.


oh, and p.s. the way kate winslet's hair kept changing color, and her style, was a lot like sue. not her attitude, at ALL, but she still reminded me of her.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
