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100 things

busy busy
03/24/04 ~ 3:04 p.m.

i've been quite busy today at work. i managed to squeeze in reading all my diaries, and i'm concerned my boss saw me this time. yipes. but i was working in between, so hopefully i played it off.

got chiropracted today. i'm much less messed up than i was, many less pops and i'm not hurting in between appointments. i might be able to be fixed yet!

i'm trying to hook brooke* up with a job with my company. there's a full time position in vacaville open right now, and i talked to the broker, name-dropped my connections, and he wants her to send in her resume and come by on saturday to meet him. i rule. i hope she gets it, it would save her so much time and money on commuting. (she works in s.f. now - 1/2 hour drive, 1 hr ferry ride, 1/2 hour bus ride -- 2 hours EACH WAY! its insane.) i also hope he offers her close to what she's making now, so it's worth it.

tonight all the assistants in the area are getting together for our weekly dinner. it's at chili's. cool cuz i know a healthy dish i can order and i'm not worried about it. i'm gonna shop at walmart beforehand, too. maybe i'll find some more clothes on clearance!

ok, gonna update that other diary i have now. ;) before my boss gets back!



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
