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my hair and digital cameras
03/08/04 ~ 3:04 p.m.

pictures added, at bottom!

yesterday i dyed my hair. well, i sort of did. i used a semi-permanent dye that is light brown, kinda like i did last march, because i wanted to blend my hair. it wasn't like "HELLO, roots!" but it wasn't super far off, either. the top was a little darker and there was this gradual shading to very light blond at the end. so now it's a little more even, but it's not super dark brown like the 2nd pic on that page would suggest. it's more like this picture (scroll down). it will wash out like it did last year, though. but i don't want to chance it with permanant dye and fuck up the natural hair color i've been so patiently growing out here.

bottom line, it looks pretty good. i guess i should take a new picture of it to show you all instead of just blabbering like an idiot, huh?

i wish i had a nice new digital camera to do that with! i stopped by a camera store on my lunch to start looking at/pricing cameras. i want a tiny one, the kind i can juts toss in my purse and it's no big deal. i want one with semi decent megapixels... like i'll settle for 2.0 but those 3.1's are calling my name! but since i need to buy a printer too, i really shouldn't spend more than $200 on the camera. and all the ones i like so far are $300. like, i *really* like the canon powershot sd100. it's just so cute! and powerful, too. also, the minolta dimage XG is pretty sweet. but that's all i've really seen. to be fair, that shop didn't have any lower-end models. nothing with less than 3.1 megapixels. so i need to check out best buy, walmart, and target for some other ideas.

wanna help me out here? tell me -- any of you have a great, SMALL digital camera that prints out decent pictures? cuz i want to print them, too. and while you're at it, what printer do you have? can we stay under $200 on that printer, too? i know, i'm cheap and i want quality. hard to please.

alright, i'm gonna skiddadle and go surf around on to see if they have anything cool. toodles,


EDIT: here's a comparison of my hair. the first is jan 31, 2004. the second is five minutes ago, 2004. see how in the first one, even in the dark, the bottom half of my hair shines? now, even in sunlight, my hair is pretty much even. yay.

btw, david thinks i chose the worst possible picture for the first example. something about the lighting and the way my hair was sitting on my shoulders. it might not have always looked *that* bad. but you get my point.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
