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100 things

the pros and cons
01/27/04 ~ 4:11 p.m.

well, after working 8 hour days both sunday and monday at blockbuster, i am much more confident in my decision to leave. the mess of dishes in the kitchen, the piles of laundry, and the stinky litter box are also indications that i need more time at home.

things i will not miss about that job:

  • people spouting their phone number into the air before even looking at you and finding out that we can't access accounts by phone number.

  • junior high schoolers pretending the drop box is a drive though and ordering "a blockbuster big mac with fries".

  • trying to explain why our return time is noon. i *know* it's a horrible policy! it's not my fault!

  • people who bring the cover boxes up to the counter. those are for show. the movie is in the rental box.

  • explaining that we need a credit card, not a debit card, to open an account.

  • walking up and down the aisle every 10 minutes to keep theft down. i hate it.

  • having lame ATM machines where you have to push the button BEFORE sliding your card, making 1 in 3 customers have to get the card back out of their wallets and slide again.

  • standing all day, resulting in knee pain.

  • not being able to make plans with friends more than a week in advance.

  • wearing a nametag.

  • not being able to spend time with david.

  • having to tuck in my shirt. hello! i am not skinny!

  • being tempted by all the junk food we sell.

  • getting home after midnight.

  • having to clock in and out, even for 10 minute breaks.

  • not having time to work out after the day job.

things i will miss:

  • most of the coworkers.

  • free movie rentals.

  • a few of the regular customers.

  • a sense of 'belonging'.

  • an extra paycheck (though pretty small).

notice the differences in length? and really, i'd gotten to the point where the little extra money i was making wasn't even worth it.

well, i am typing this on the sly, so now i'm going to post in on the sly and get on with my end-of-the-day tasks. then it's off to the grocery store with david, then home to cook dinner, work out, and watch the good thief. gotta use those free rentals while they last!



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
