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100 things

my 1st layout!
06/06/01 ~ 12:01 p.m.

ok, i pronounce myself an HTML goddess. ok, not really. all i know is basic stuff. i know that i *did* get a headache while doing it, but i'm pretty happy with the look of Jenny's Beatle-riffic Diary! go there. see my work. read her entries. sign the guestbook (and check out what i did on that page too!)

i spent a long time talking to rachel last night. she is the coolest cat around! seriously. we could have talked and talked and talked. we like tons of the same stuff, we understand each other, and she says she's gonna make me a mixed tape. SO COOL. i have a good feeling about her... that someday i will get to meet her just like i got to meet my FL penpal. plus she has such amazing stories to tell about famous people. my everclear story pales in comparison! she's pretty close to the band guster and has seen them over 50 times. she asked ryan to her prom (i *so* wish we would have gone!) but he took her to dinner instead. her family helped ryan move. i love guster (jenny-- yay!). and then, she went to middle school with the actor that played henry (jen's boyfriend) season 3 in dawson's creek. that's cool too! i could go on an on about her, but i'll stop now. =)

tonight mike and jenny are coming over to start our dawson's marathon! mike has missed a lot of the first seasons, so we're going to get him up to speed. we have to watch the premiere on my computer and it's very very small. ha ha. i downloaded realplayer onto my computer last night. i don't know how much more the poor guy can take. he's held together by melted masking tape, for god's sake!!! and he doesn't have much memory/disk space left. i have to get a new one when i go to davis, definitely.

oh! i can probably get into my apartment early, but they're not letting heather out early. this is probably going to result in my paying a LOT of money the first month. but it's going to be worth it.

ok, i've written a lot today. that's all for now. countdown to RENT: 2 days, 8 hours!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
