new old guestbook about me links

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100 things

i'm SO popular!
05/31/01 ~ 4:07 p.m.

ok, so i know some of you were wondering WHY i took off the password. well, it's just TOO DAMN COOL to have random people visiting my diary. i mean, it's available in search engines, rings, directories, you name it. and plus, all my friends should be ok with it. they know i love them. so here's proof of just how damn cool i am:

well... i know the netherlands is bobbi jo =). but GREECE?? denmark? the uk? that is SO exciting. oh, and of course canada. OH, CANADA... i was there.

hey, if anyone reads this and you are from far away from california like that, sign the guestbook. oh, and leave me a message in another language. i would get SUCH a kick out of that!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
