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100 things

busy, busy
09/10/03 ~ 3:15 p.m.

so, i'm actually busier not at work than i was at work. sad, huh?

i had a phone interview about 15 minutes ago. it was really short and painless, basically a screening process. the REAL interviews will come later. i think i have a really good shot at them. keep those fingers crossed, guys!

so yesterday's events -- laundry, working out, bath. then it gets interesting.

i went out to the garage to put some jeans in the dryer, wearing only my bra and underwear, and was locked out of the house! i became freaked out because i *never* lock the garage door. i thought there must be a burglar in the house. i was freaked. luckily, there were enough clothes in the garage for me to become decent, and i crept around the front of the house. the fornt door was open, so i went in, peeking around corners. then i couldn't find jasmine! i don't let her out... so the burglar must have done it. i went around for about 5 minutes calling her and finally found her:

silly cat.

so after my heart stopped pounding and i reassured myself that no one was in the house, i left to run some errands. i got subway. it made my tummy hurt. i think the nerves are getting to me.

i needed printer ink in order to print resumes. so i went to office depot.

i also stopped at old navy. still not down to the next size in jeans, but i am in dresses! huzzah! so i bought a long black stappy dress that was only 9.99. yay for me.

then i went to trader joe's, where i got some cat cookies, pita bread, hummus, and fruit leather. all good things.

i went back home and got an email from jeannine that aaron (current boyfriend) had been snooping the net and came across this diary. she wanted me to take out stuff about her and a past fling. so i spent some time doing that.

then i picked david up from work. and we watched for love or money (we taped it monday night). and i liked the ending.

today i have been a non-stop cleaning machine. aside from a quick trip to office depot to exchange the ink i bought, all i have done is clean.

swept. laundry. clothes hung. kitchen cleaned, including dishes. vaccummed. trash out. straightened and put away all random "stuff" that was laying about.

and now i have 30 minutes before i leave to go pick david up. we're going to have a nice dinner and then he's off to hang out with his friends.

i'm slepy. maybe after david leaves, i'll just read and call it a night. wait! i must work out first. THEN i can call it a night.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
