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100 things

oh, stop the fun...
09/04/03 ~ 4:20 p.m.

things to do tonight (in no particular order):

- workout (kickboxing)

- grocery shop a little

- watch 2 episodes of SITC

- write back 2 people on friendster who i never responded to

- write an email to mike*

- update my weight chart

- at least 2 loads of laundry

- write email to heather*, see how she is doing in santa barbara

- put another coat of polish on my toes

- kiss david at regular intervals

- make some sort of healthy dinner

wow, i kill myself with the excitement of it all. i really need more of a life here. i'm working on it! last night i chatted with two people from friendster, mariah and sabrina. mariah is the one who reminds me of jenn*, and she still does after chatting with her. i think she'll be cool.

sabrina seems AWESOME. i think we'll totally click. we talked about guys and jobs and life and she's really, really nice. hopefully i'll get to meet her soon. plus i know she won't be shy about meeting someone from online cuz she met her boyfriend that way! yay. i told her about brooke* and robert* meeting that way, and she was happy to hear a success story.

well, i'm off to watch a video about how to configure my company's software. hold me back.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
