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100 things

religion, homosexuality, and polycomp
8/29/00 ~ 9:34 pm

well i used to have a diary here and never, ever wrote in it. i had a total of 3 entries, all from 1999. so to celebrate a new millinuim and all that crap, and at the insistance of jeffy, i am attemping to write again.

so today, i had my aerobics class at 8 am. not smart when you accidently sign online to 'check something' and stay on for a few hours. i was tired. but attendance = good grade, so i dragged my lazy ass to the gym to find it was approx 95 degrees in there!! i was sweating like a gross pig (i'm sure you needed to hear that).

when that was over, i went to a boring computer class (that should hopefully get better) and off to work. i work for a large company that handles retirement plans and the like. i am the do-everything girl basically. they recently fired my assistant, and i dropped down to 30 hours a week due to school. so i have lots of fun. when poeple aren't demanding me to order them batteries or sticky notes or something, i am up to my ears in mail, things to copy and organize, phones to answer, etc, etc, ETC. i don't like being stressed, and certainly not at $7 an hour! yet i am too scared to say anything along the 'i need a raise' lines to my boss. i'm only shy maybe 5% of the time, and (of course) this has to be the time. i am lame.

i am currently enjoying the RENT soundtrack. even if broadway musicals typically sound like a bore to you, RENT will change all that. it is about young adults in new york with big problems like aids, poverty, and homosexuality. not that being gay is a problem. that sounded bad. i belive wholeheartedly in gay rights. they are suffering because society is frowning on them, when all they want is love and happiness like everyone else. if someone is going to be miserable pretending to love someone of the opposite sex just because the straight people of the world are forcing them to, they might as well let clinton dictate everything about their lives for them. it's b*llsh*t. and why the hell are hetrosexuals called 'straight' as in correct? that's like saying one religion is correct and all others are queer.

which, while i'm on the topic, i will openly state that i am not a religious person. i think i have relatively good morals (besides the business i am messing around with currently) but i have yet to find a bible that inspires me so much that i feel the need to study the word and all of that. i have trouble getting passionate about these abstract ideas. i am interested in the pagan religion, but i want to learn about it before i commit myself to anything. i think it intrigues me more than it invites me.

if you haven't stopped reading becasue all of my open views disgusted you, thank you. if you were my mom you'd be rather p.o.'d by now. but that's another story.

i think i'm on a roll. i have so much to express, so many things going through my mind. thanks jeffy... i think i'm gonna need this.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
